API endpoint to query the Result Archive Store (RAS) for a (possibly sorted)
list of runs based on the given search criteria.
The results returned are paginated, in that the number of desired records per page can be
set, and if there are more test run records to retrieve, requests can be made for
successive pages of results using the same query parameters, but varying the 'page' value.
Note: When querying multiple pages of results, tests may complete, or be started between
successive calls to this endpoint. When the 'to' field is not used, no timeframe
limit is specified in the query, so results retrieved in later pages may contain
test runs which were already retrieved in previous pages of the same query critera.
Invalid query parameters are ignored. For example: a 'cache-buster' parameter.
Requests to this endpoint require a valid bearer token in JWT format to be provided
in the 'Authorization' header (e.g. 'Authorization: Bearer <bearer-token>').
curl -X GET\
-H "Authorization: Bearer [[accessToken]]"\
-H "Accept: application/json"\
import io.swagger.client.*;
import io.swagger.client.auth.*;
import io.swagger.client.model.*;
import io.swagger.client.api.ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi;
import java.io.File;
import java.util.*;
public class ResultArchiveStoreAPIApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ApiClient defaultClient = Configuration.getDefaultApiClient();
ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi apiInstance = new ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi();
String sort = sort_example; // String | Sorts the returned runs based on the sort field.
Supports sorting fields 'from', 'to', 'result' and 'testclass'.
If omitted, runs will be sorted in descending order based on their 'queued' time,
which is equivalent to specifying 'from:desc' (i.e. latest queued run first, oldest last).
When sorting with 'to' or 'result', runs that have not yet finished will not
be included in responses from this endpoint.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:asc' to sort in ascending order.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:desc' to sort in descending order.
String clientApiVersion = clientApiVersion_example; // String |
String result = result_example; // String | Result Status for the run. Commonly queried values: 'EnvFail','Passed','Failed'
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'EnvFail,Passed,Failed'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'PASSED' and 'passED' will both be valid.
String status = status_example; // String | Test run lifecycle status. Current possibles: 'finished','building','generating','running','rundone','up','started','provstart','ending'. These are not case sensitive.
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'finished,running,started'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'FINISHED' and 'finiSHed' will both be valid.
String bundle = bundle_example; // String | The name of the OSGi bundle that the desired test run(s) were loaded with.
String requestor = requestor_example; // String | Name of the test requestor / submitter
Date from = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // Date | Retrieve runs that started at a time after this date and time.
The only scenario in which from can be omitted is when a runname has been supplied
Date to = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // Date | Retrieve runs that ended at a date and time prior to this date and time value.
If you specify this parameter, only test runs which have completed will be returned.
Tests currently in-flight will not be visible.
String testname = testname_example; // String | The full test name (package + short test name)
Integer page = 56; // Integer | Deprecated (since 0.37.0) - Use the 'cursor' query parameter instead.
Causes a specific page in the available results to be returned.
The first page is page 1.
If omitted, then page 1 is returned.
Integer size = 56; // Integer | The number of test results returned within each page.
If omitted, the default value is 100.
String runId = runId_example; // String | The ID for a specific test run as seen by the RAS.
This number is unique across the system, so using this field you can expect
one or zero test runs in the first page.
String runname = runname_example; // String | The name of the test run for which details will be returned.
It will normally be unique, but this is not guaranteed, so you may see
multiple results for the same runname under some rare circumstances.
String group = group_example; // String | The name of the group for which details will be returned
for all the runs under the name of that group.
String submissionId = submissionId_example; // String | The submission ID allocated to this test run when the test run was submitted
It can be used to query all the runs and re-runs for a test.
Similar to the groupId, but much more restricted to return a set of runs which are all a result of
the same request to run a test.
String includeCursor = includeCursor_example; // String | A boolean flag to enable cursor-based pagination and return the next page cursor
in the response. If omitted, it will default to false.
String cursor = cursor_example; // String | The cursor representing the page of runs to be retrieved. This is a unique value that is specific
to a query and is included in responses, allowing you to navigate through pages of runs.
If omitted, the first page of runs for the given query will be returned and the response
will display the cursor for the next page of runs.
try {
RunResults result = apiInstance.getRasSearchRuns(sort, clientApiVersion, result, status, bundle, requestor, from, to, testname, page, size, runId, runname, group, submissionId, includeCursor, cursor);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi#getRasSearchRuns");
import io.swagger.client.api.ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi;
public class ResultArchiveStoreAPIApiExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi apiInstance = new ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi();
String sort = sort_example; // String | Sorts the returned runs based on the sort field.
Supports sorting fields 'from', 'to', 'result' and 'testclass'.
If omitted, runs will be sorted in descending order based on their 'queued' time,
which is equivalent to specifying 'from:desc' (i.e. latest queued run first, oldest last).
When sorting with 'to' or 'result', runs that have not yet finished will not
be included in responses from this endpoint.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:asc' to sort in ascending order.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:desc' to sort in descending order.
String clientApiVersion = clientApiVersion_example; // String |
String result = result_example; // String | Result Status for the run. Commonly queried values: 'EnvFail','Passed','Failed'
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'EnvFail,Passed,Failed'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'PASSED' and 'passED' will both be valid.
String status = status_example; // String | Test run lifecycle status. Current possibles: 'finished','building','generating','running','rundone','up','started','provstart','ending'. These are not case sensitive.
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'finished,running,started'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'FINISHED' and 'finiSHed' will both be valid.
String bundle = bundle_example; // String | The name of the OSGi bundle that the desired test run(s) were loaded with.
String requestor = requestor_example; // String | Name of the test requestor / submitter
Date from = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // Date | Retrieve runs that started at a time after this date and time.
The only scenario in which from can be omitted is when a runname has been supplied
Date to = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // Date | Retrieve runs that ended at a date and time prior to this date and time value.
If you specify this parameter, only test runs which have completed will be returned.
Tests currently in-flight will not be visible.
String testname = testname_example; // String | The full test name (package + short test name)
Integer page = 56; // Integer | Deprecated (since 0.37.0) - Use the 'cursor' query parameter instead.
Causes a specific page in the available results to be returned.
The first page is page 1.
If omitted, then page 1 is returned.
Integer size = 56; // Integer | The number of test results returned within each page.
If omitted, the default value is 100.
String runId = runId_example; // String | The ID for a specific test run as seen by the RAS.
This number is unique across the system, so using this field you can expect
one or zero test runs in the first page.
String runname = runname_example; // String | The name of the test run for which details will be returned.
It will normally be unique, but this is not guaranteed, so you may see
multiple results for the same runname under some rare circumstances.
String group = group_example; // String | The name of the group for which details will be returned
for all the runs under the name of that group.
String submissionId = submissionId_example; // String | The submission ID allocated to this test run when the test run was submitted
It can be used to query all the runs and re-runs for a test.
Similar to the groupId, but much more restricted to return a set of runs which are all a result of
the same request to run a test.
String includeCursor = includeCursor_example; // String | A boolean flag to enable cursor-based pagination and return the next page cursor
in the response. If omitted, it will default to false.
String cursor = cursor_example; // String | The cursor representing the page of runs to be retrieved. This is a unique value that is specific
to a query and is included in responses, allowing you to navigate through pages of runs.
If omitted, the first page of runs for the given query will be returned and the response
will display the cursor for the next page of runs.
try {
RunResults result = apiInstance.getRasSearchRuns(sort, clientApiVersion, result, status, bundle, requestor, from, to, testname, page, size, runId, runname, group, submissionId, includeCursor, cursor);
} catch (ApiException e) {
System.err.println("Exception when calling ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi#getRasSearchRuns");
Configuration *apiConfig = [Configuration sharedConfig];
String *sort = sort_example; // Sorts the returned runs based on the sort field.
Supports sorting fields 'from', 'to', 'result' and 'testclass'.
If omitted, runs will be sorted in descending order based on their 'queued' time,
which is equivalent to specifying 'from:desc' (i.e. latest queued run first, oldest last).
When sorting with 'to' or 'result', runs that have not yet finished will not
be included in responses from this endpoint.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:asc' to sort in ascending order.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:desc' to sort in descending order.
String *clientApiVersion = clientApiVersion_example; // (optional)
String *result = result_example; // Result Status for the run. Commonly queried values: 'EnvFail','Passed','Failed'
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'EnvFail,Passed,Failed'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'PASSED' and 'passED' will both be valid.
String *status = status_example; // Test run lifecycle status. Current possibles: 'finished','building','generating','running','rundone','up','started','provstart','ending'. These are not case sensitive.
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'finished,running,started'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'FINISHED' and 'finiSHed' will both be valid.
String *bundle = bundle_example; // The name of the OSGi bundle that the desired test run(s) were loaded with.
String *requestor = requestor_example; // Name of the test requestor / submitter (optional)
Date *from = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // Retrieve runs that started at a time after this date and time.
The only scenario in which from can be omitted is when a runname has been supplied
Date *to = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // Retrieve runs that ended at a date and time prior to this date and time value.
If you specify this parameter, only test runs which have completed will be returned.
Tests currently in-flight will not be visible.
String *testname = testname_example; // The full test name (package + short test name) (optional)
Integer *page = 56; // Deprecated (since 0.37.0) - Use the 'cursor' query parameter instead.
Causes a specific page in the available results to be returned.
The first page is page 1.
If omitted, then page 1 is returned.
Integer *size = 56; // The number of test results returned within each page.
If omitted, the default value is 100.
String *runId = runId_example; // The ID for a specific test run as seen by the RAS.
This number is unique across the system, so using this field you can expect
one or zero test runs in the first page.
String *runname = runname_example; // The name of the test run for which details will be returned.
It will normally be unique, but this is not guaranteed, so you may see
multiple results for the same runname under some rare circumstances.
String *group = group_example; // The name of the group for which details will be returned
for all the runs under the name of that group.
String *submissionId = submissionId_example; // The submission ID allocated to this test run when the test run was submitted
It can be used to query all the runs and re-runs for a test.
Similar to the groupId, but much more restricted to return a set of runs which are all a result of
the same request to run a test.
String *includeCursor = includeCursor_example; // A boolean flag to enable cursor-based pagination and return the next page cursor
in the response. If omitted, it will default to false.
String *cursor = cursor_example; // The cursor representing the page of runs to be retrieved. This is a unique value that is specific
to a query and is included in responses, allowing you to navigate through pages of runs.
If omitted, the first page of runs for the given query will be returned and the response
will display the cursor for the next page of runs.
ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi *apiInstance = [[ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi alloc] init];
// Get Runs from Query
[apiInstance getRasSearchRunsWith:sort
completionHandler: ^(RunResults output, NSError* error) {
if (output) {
NSLog(@"%@", output);
if (error) {
NSLog(@"Error: %@", error);
var GalasaEcosystemApi = require('galasa_ecosystem_api');
var defaultClient = GalasaEcosystemApi.ApiClient.instance;
var api = new GalasaEcosystemApi.ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi()
var sort = sort_example; // {{String}} Sorts the returned runs based on the sort field.
Supports sorting fields 'from', 'to', 'result' and 'testclass'.
If omitted, runs will be sorted in descending order based on their 'queued' time,
which is equivalent to specifying 'from:desc' (i.e. latest queued run first, oldest last).
When sorting with 'to' or 'result', runs that have not yet finished will not
be included in responses from this endpoint.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:asc' to sort in ascending order.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:desc' to sort in descending order.
var opts = {
'clientApiVersion': clientApiVersion_example, // {{String}}
'result': result_example, // {{String}} Result Status for the run. Commonly queried values: 'EnvFail','Passed','Failed'
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'EnvFail,Passed,Failed'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'PASSED' and 'passED' will both be valid.
'status': status_example, // {{String}} Test run lifecycle status. Current possibles: 'finished','building','generating','running','rundone','up','started','provstart','ending'. These are not case sensitive.
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'finished,running,started'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'FINISHED' and 'finiSHed' will both be valid.
'bundle': bundle_example, // {{String}} The name of the OSGi bundle that the desired test run(s) were loaded with.
'requestor': requestor_example, // {{String}} Name of the test requestor / submitter
'from': 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00, // {{Date}} Retrieve runs that started at a time after this date and time.
The only scenario in which from can be omitted is when a runname has been supplied
'to': 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00, // {{Date}} Retrieve runs that ended at a date and time prior to this date and time value.
If you specify this parameter, only test runs which have completed will be returned.
Tests currently in-flight will not be visible.
'testname': testname_example, // {{String}} The full test name (package + short test name)
'page': 56, // {{Integer}} Deprecated (since 0.37.0) - Use the 'cursor' query parameter instead.
Causes a specific page in the available results to be returned.
The first page is page 1.
If omitted, then page 1 is returned.
'size': 56, // {{Integer}} The number of test results returned within each page.
If omitted, the default value is 100.
'runId': runId_example, // {{String}} The ID for a specific test run as seen by the RAS.
This number is unique across the system, so using this field you can expect
one or zero test runs in the first page.
'runname': runname_example, // {{String}} The name of the test run for which details will be returned.
It will normally be unique, but this is not guaranteed, so you may see
multiple results for the same runname under some rare circumstances.
'group': group_example, // {{String}} The name of the group for which details will be returned
for all the runs under the name of that group.
'submissionId': submissionId_example, // {{String}} The submission ID allocated to this test run when the test run was submitted
It can be used to query all the runs and re-runs for a test.
Similar to the groupId, but much more restricted to return a set of runs which are all a result of
the same request to run a test.
'includeCursor': includeCursor_example, // {{String}} A boolean flag to enable cursor-based pagination and return the next page cursor
in the response. If omitted, it will default to false.
'cursor': cursor_example // {{String}} The cursor representing the page of runs to be retrieved. This is a unique value that is specific
to a query and is included in responses, allowing you to navigate through pages of runs.
If omitted, the first page of runs for the given query will be returned and the response
will display the cursor for the next page of runs.
var callback = function(error, data, response) {
if (error) {
} else {
console.log('API called successfully. Returned data: ' + data);
api.getRasSearchRuns(sort, opts, callback);
using System;
using System.Diagnostics;
using IO.Swagger.Api;
using IO.Swagger.Client;
using IO.Swagger.Model;
namespace Example
public class getRasSearchRunsExample
public void main()
var apiInstance = new ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi();
var sort = sort_example; // String | Sorts the returned runs based on the sort field.
Supports sorting fields 'from', 'to', 'result' and 'testclass'.
If omitted, runs will be sorted in descending order based on their 'queued' time,
which is equivalent to specifying 'from:desc' (i.e. latest queued run first, oldest last).
When sorting with 'to' or 'result', runs that have not yet finished will not
be included in responses from this endpoint.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:asc' to sort in ascending order.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:desc' to sort in descending order.
var clientApiVersion = clientApiVersion_example; // String | (optional)
var result = result_example; // String | Result Status for the run. Commonly queried values: 'EnvFail','Passed','Failed'
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'EnvFail,Passed,Failed'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'PASSED' and 'passED' will both be valid.
var status = status_example; // String | Test run lifecycle status. Current possibles: 'finished','building','generating','running','rundone','up','started','provstart','ending'. These are not case sensitive.
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'finished,running,started'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'FINISHED' and 'finiSHed' will both be valid.
var bundle = bundle_example; // String | The name of the OSGi bundle that the desired test run(s) were loaded with.
var requestor = requestor_example; // String | Name of the test requestor / submitter (optional)
var from = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // Date | Retrieve runs that started at a time after this date and time.
The only scenario in which from can be omitted is when a runname has been supplied
var to = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // Date | Retrieve runs that ended at a date and time prior to this date and time value.
If you specify this parameter, only test runs which have completed will be returned.
Tests currently in-flight will not be visible.
var testname = testname_example; // String | The full test name (package + short test name) (optional)
var page = 56; // Integer | Deprecated (since 0.37.0) - Use the 'cursor' query parameter instead.
Causes a specific page in the available results to be returned.
The first page is page 1.
If omitted, then page 1 is returned.
var size = 56; // Integer | The number of test results returned within each page.
If omitted, the default value is 100.
var runId = runId_example; // String | The ID for a specific test run as seen by the RAS.
This number is unique across the system, so using this field you can expect
one or zero test runs in the first page.
var runname = runname_example; // String | The name of the test run for which details will be returned.
It will normally be unique, but this is not guaranteed, so you may see
multiple results for the same runname under some rare circumstances.
var group = group_example; // String | The name of the group for which details will be returned
for all the runs under the name of that group.
var submissionId = submissionId_example; // String | The submission ID allocated to this test run when the test run was submitted
It can be used to query all the runs and re-runs for a test.
Similar to the groupId, but much more restricted to return a set of runs which are all a result of
the same request to run a test.
var includeCursor = includeCursor_example; // String | A boolean flag to enable cursor-based pagination and return the next page cursor
in the response. If omitted, it will default to false.
var cursor = cursor_example; // String | The cursor representing the page of runs to be retrieved. This is a unique value that is specific
to a query and is included in responses, allowing you to navigate through pages of runs.
If omitted, the first page of runs for the given query will be returned and the response
will display the cursor for the next page of runs.
// Get Runs from Query
RunResults result = apiInstance.getRasSearchRuns(sort, clientApiVersion, result, status, bundle, requestor, from, to, testname, page, size, runId, runname, group, submissionId, includeCursor, cursor);
catch (Exception e)
Debug.Print("Exception when calling ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi.getRasSearchRuns: " + e.Message );
require_once(__DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php');
$api_instance = new Swagger\Client\ApiResultArchiveStoreAPIApi();
$sort = sort_example; // String | Sorts the returned runs based on the sort field.
Supports sorting fields 'from', 'to', 'result' and 'testclass'.
If omitted, runs will be sorted in descending order based on their 'queued' time,
which is equivalent to specifying 'from:desc' (i.e. latest queued run first, oldest last).
When sorting with 'to' or 'result', runs that have not yet finished will not
be included in responses from this endpoint.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:asc' to sort in ascending order.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:desc' to sort in descending order.
$clientApiVersion = clientApiVersion_example; // String |
$result = result_example; // String | Result Status for the run. Commonly queried values: 'EnvFail','Passed','Failed'
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'EnvFail,Passed,Failed'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'PASSED' and 'passED' will both be valid.
$status = status_example; // String | Test run lifecycle status. Current possibles: 'finished','building','generating','running','rundone','up','started','provstart','ending'. These are not case sensitive.
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'finished,running,started'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'FINISHED' and 'finiSHed' will both be valid.
$bundle = bundle_example; // String | The name of the OSGi bundle that the desired test run(s) were loaded with.
$requestor = requestor_example; // String | Name of the test requestor / submitter
$from = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // Date | Retrieve runs that started at a time after this date and time.
The only scenario in which from can be omitted is when a runname has been supplied
$to = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; // Date | Retrieve runs that ended at a date and time prior to this date and time value.
If you specify this parameter, only test runs which have completed will be returned.
Tests currently in-flight will not be visible.
$testname = testname_example; // String | The full test name (package + short test name)
$page = 56; // Integer | Deprecated (since 0.37.0) - Use the 'cursor' query parameter instead.
Causes a specific page in the available results to be returned.
The first page is page 1.
If omitted, then page 1 is returned.
$size = 56; // Integer | The number of test results returned within each page.
If omitted, the default value is 100.
$runId = runId_example; // String | The ID for a specific test run as seen by the RAS.
This number is unique across the system, so using this field you can expect
one or zero test runs in the first page.
$runname = runname_example; // String | The name of the test run for which details will be returned.
It will normally be unique, but this is not guaranteed, so you may see
multiple results for the same runname under some rare circumstances.
$group = group_example; // String | The name of the group for which details will be returned
for all the runs under the name of that group.
$submissionId = submissionId_example; // String | The submission ID allocated to this test run when the test run was submitted
It can be used to query all the runs and re-runs for a test.
Similar to the groupId, but much more restricted to return a set of runs which are all a result of
the same request to run a test.
$includeCursor = includeCursor_example; // String | A boolean flag to enable cursor-based pagination and return the next page cursor
in the response. If omitted, it will default to false.
$cursor = cursor_example; // String | The cursor representing the page of runs to be retrieved. This is a unique value that is specific
to a query and is included in responses, allowing you to navigate through pages of runs.
If omitted, the first page of runs for the given query will be returned and the response
will display the cursor for the next page of runs.
try {
$result = $api_instance->getRasSearchRuns($sort, $clientApiVersion, $result, $status, $bundle, $requestor, $from, $to, $testname, $page, $size, $runId, $runname, $group, $submissionId, $includeCursor, $cursor);
} catch (Exception $e) {
echo 'Exception when calling ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi->getRasSearchRuns: ', $e->getMessage(), PHP_EOL;
use Data::Dumper;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::Configuration;
use WWW::SwaggerClient::ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi;
my $api_instance = WWW::SwaggerClient::ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi->new();
my $sort = sort_example; # String | Sorts the returned runs based on the sort field.
Supports sorting fields 'from', 'to', 'result' and 'testclass'.
If omitted, runs will be sorted in descending order based on their 'queued' time,
which is equivalent to specifying 'from:desc' (i.e. latest queued run first, oldest last).
When sorting with 'to' or 'result', runs that have not yet finished will not
be included in responses from this endpoint.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:asc' to sort in ascending order.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:desc' to sort in descending order.
my $clientApiVersion = clientApiVersion_example; # String |
my $result = result_example; # String | Result Status for the run. Commonly queried values: 'EnvFail','Passed','Failed'
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'EnvFail,Passed,Failed'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'PASSED' and 'passED' will both be valid.
my $status = status_example; # String | Test run lifecycle status. Current possibles: 'finished','building','generating','running','rundone','up','started','provstart','ending'. These are not case sensitive.
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'finished,running,started'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'FINISHED' and 'finiSHed' will both be valid.
my $bundle = bundle_example; # String | The name of the OSGi bundle that the desired test run(s) were loaded with.
my $requestor = requestor_example; # String | Name of the test requestor / submitter
my $from = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; # Date | Retrieve runs that started at a time after this date and time.
The only scenario in which from can be omitted is when a runname has been supplied
my $to = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00; # Date | Retrieve runs that ended at a date and time prior to this date and time value.
If you specify this parameter, only test runs which have completed will be returned.
Tests currently in-flight will not be visible.
my $testname = testname_example; # String | The full test name (package + short test name)
my $page = 56; # Integer | Deprecated (since 0.37.0) - Use the 'cursor' query parameter instead.
Causes a specific page in the available results to be returned.
The first page is page 1.
If omitted, then page 1 is returned.
my $size = 56; # Integer | The number of test results returned within each page.
If omitted, the default value is 100.
my $runId = runId_example; # String | The ID for a specific test run as seen by the RAS.
This number is unique across the system, so using this field you can expect
one or zero test runs in the first page.
my $runname = runname_example; # String | The name of the test run for which details will be returned.
It will normally be unique, but this is not guaranteed, so you may see
multiple results for the same runname under some rare circumstances.
my $group = group_example; # String | The name of the group for which details will be returned
for all the runs under the name of that group.
my $submissionId = submissionId_example; # String | The submission ID allocated to this test run when the test run was submitted
It can be used to query all the runs and re-runs for a test.
Similar to the groupId, but much more restricted to return a set of runs which are all a result of
the same request to run a test.
my $includeCursor = includeCursor_example; # String | A boolean flag to enable cursor-based pagination and return the next page cursor
in the response. If omitted, it will default to false.
my $cursor = cursor_example; # String | The cursor representing the page of runs to be retrieved. This is a unique value that is specific
to a query and is included in responses, allowing you to navigate through pages of runs.
If omitted, the first page of runs for the given query will be returned and the response
will display the cursor for the next page of runs.
eval {
my $result = $api_instance->getRasSearchRuns(sort => $sort, clientApiVersion => $clientApiVersion, result => $result, status => $status, bundle => $bundle, requestor => $requestor, from => $from, to => $to, testname => $testname, page => $page, size => $size, runId => $runId, runname => $runname, group => $group, submissionId => $submissionId, includeCursor => $includeCursor, cursor => $cursor);
print Dumper($result);
if ($@) {
warn "Exception when calling ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi->getRasSearchRuns: $@\n";
from __future__ import print_statement
import time
import swagger_client
from swagger_client.rest import ApiException
from pprint import pprint
# create an instance of the API class
api_instance = swagger_client.ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi()
sort = sort_example # String | Sorts the returned runs based on the sort field.
Supports sorting fields 'from', 'to', 'result' and 'testclass'.
If omitted, runs will be sorted in descending order based on their 'queued' time,
which is equivalent to specifying 'from:desc' (i.e. latest queued run first, oldest last).
When sorting with 'to' or 'result', runs that have not yet finished will not
be included in responses from this endpoint.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:asc' to sort in ascending order.
Use '{FIELD-NAME}:desc' to sort in descending order.
clientApiVersion = clientApiVersion_example # String | (optional)
result = result_example # String | Result Status for the run. Commonly queried values: 'EnvFail','Passed','Failed'
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'EnvFail,Passed,Failed'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'PASSED' and 'passED' will both be valid.
status = status_example # String | Test run lifecycle status. Current possibles: 'finished','building','generating','running','rundone','up','started','provstart','ending'. These are not case sensitive.
Multiple values can be used in the query for example: 'finished,running,started'.
Values are case insensitive. For example 'FINISHED' and 'finiSHed' will both be valid.
bundle = bundle_example # String | The name of the OSGi bundle that the desired test run(s) were loaded with.
requestor = requestor_example # String | Name of the test requestor / submitter (optional)
from = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00 # Date | Retrieve runs that started at a time after this date and time.
The only scenario in which from can be omitted is when a runname has been supplied
to = 2013-10-20T19:20:30+01:00 # Date | Retrieve runs that ended at a date and time prior to this date and time value.
If you specify this parameter, only test runs which have completed will be returned.
Tests currently in-flight will not be visible.
testname = testname_example # String | The full test name (package + short test name) (optional)
page = 56 # Integer | Deprecated (since 0.37.0) - Use the 'cursor' query parameter instead.
Causes a specific page in the available results to be returned.
The first page is page 1.
If omitted, then page 1 is returned.
size = 56 # Integer | The number of test results returned within each page.
If omitted, the default value is 100.
runId = runId_example # String | The ID for a specific test run as seen by the RAS.
This number is unique across the system, so using this field you can expect
one or zero test runs in the first page.
runname = runname_example # String | The name of the test run for which details will be returned.
It will normally be unique, but this is not guaranteed, so you may see
multiple results for the same runname under some rare circumstances.
group = group_example # String | The name of the group for which details will be returned
for all the runs under the name of that group.
submissionId = submissionId_example # String | The submission ID allocated to this test run when the test run was submitted
It can be used to query all the runs and re-runs for a test.
Similar to the groupId, but much more restricted to return a set of runs which are all a result of
the same request to run a test.
includeCursor = includeCursor_example # String | A boolean flag to enable cursor-based pagination and return the next page cursor
in the response. If omitted, it will default to false.
cursor = cursor_example # String | The cursor representing the page of runs to be retrieved. This is a unique value that is specific
to a query and is included in responses, allowing you to navigate through pages of runs.
If omitted, the first page of runs for the given query will be returned and the response
will display the cursor for the next page of runs.
# Get Runs from Query
api_response = api_instance.get_ras_search_runs(sort, clientApiVersion=clientApiVersion, result=result, status=status, bundle=bundle, requestor=requestor, from=from, to=to, testname=testname, page=page, size=size, runId=runId, runname=runname, group=group, submissionId=submissionId, includeCursor=includeCursor, cursor=cursor)
except ApiException as e:
print("Exception when calling ResultArchiveStoreAPIApi->getRasSearchRuns: %s\n" % e)